I have always had a little social anxiety, but the last couple days have been really bad. I went to the grocery store a few days ago and when going through the checkout line I started to feel anxiety and I got really stiff and nervous, mostly my neck gets really stiff. It bothered me that it happen so the last couple days I been going to stores and things like that and it keeps happening, its becoming a big problem I can't move my neck at all and can't think straight. Here's the thing, I get these anxiety attacks just out of fear of getting these anxiety attacks. Before I get in a situation to communicate with a stranger I know I will feel this way even if I go into the conversation confident. Then as soon I go through the check out line or whatever it is, the anxiety hits me. I can't stop obsessing over it and want to keep challenging it but I keep losing.
I been going to college online and do not get out that much except to hang out with some friends usually only at their house or somewhere I feel conformable, but I am mostly home studying and watching TV, I really only go out like once every 3 weeks. I'm thinking I am developing social anxiety from staying home all the time and not having any interacting? I'm about to graduate from college and I can't even imagine going on a job interview right now.
Like I said I have always had a little anxiety, but it was something I could deal with. I have tried taking Xanax and it works perfectly, I don't get nervous at all. However, It makes me pretty dumb and can't remember anything, so I can't take that while I'm trying to study (which I'm doing all the time). I have read about other people with social anxiety and their usually nervous about embarrassing themselves like tripping in public or they are insecure with the way they look. That's not what bothers me its just the fact I know I will have an anxiety attack then I do. I try to block it out think about other things focus on something else take a deep breath but nothing works. Any suggestions on what I should do? Drugs that won't make me dumb? (I tried zolof for a while before, it didn't work). How I got this way? Anything?
Developing social anxiety from staying home all the time? Get these anxiety attacks just out of fear of getti
I've been there, done that....people who have never experience an anxiety attach have no idea of what you are
going through. I could not even leave the house.
I started with going with a friend....the friend always beside me and a took a small paper bag with me to blow into and
brew in. That's what the doctor told me. He put me on
valiumn...that truly helped without drowniness for anything.
zolof.....oh no...that was horrible...and Xanax.....somehow
may be uncomforable.
I do not know how I got that way either......
What is happening you are fearing it will happen, so it does.
You are fearing fear itself....so your body goes into action.
Try taking it in little steps......First ask your physcian for
valium.......wait about 15 minutes......if you want to go to
the grocery store, take a friend with you, after you have
taken the valium......tell yourself.....you are working up to
a panic attack...relax........go outside the store, get some air,
and try again....slowly but surely, you will be able to do it.
Also keep a small paper bag in your pocket. Don't worry what people will think.......Most of the people are willing to
help you.....stranger....however, the will help calm you down.
Another thing, I always kept a cell phone on me.
Just keep saying....I can do it...I can do it.......it will take a while...and You will do it.
Valium is the magic one, and truly the best for our anxiety
Sincerely hopes this will help.
Will be thinking of you.. My best to you.
Reply:daaam i feel u thats how i be feeelings its terrible.=[ Report It
Reply:After suffering from anxiety and depression for almost 5 years now, reading this book has made me feel like a new person. I can't describe in words what this book means to me. I highly recommend You To read this book. this book will change your life. http://astore.amazon.com/mwer-20/detail/...
Reply:My heart goes out to you because I went though this with my son and it is a heart breaking situation. You will need some help, probably from a psychologist. The only advice that I can give you is to chose your doctor wisely and be very careful of your medication. My son said also that xanax was the only medication that worked for him. Sadly he became addicted to xanax and as his condition become worse he tried to medicate with alcohol and drugs. You are not developing social anxiety from staying home all the time, you are staying home because you have chronic anxiety. This condition is also very hard for family or friends to understand. I wish I had a better answer for you. Read and learn all you can about this because it is a serious condition. I understand your pain and I will say a prayer for you.
Reply:Paxil worked for me. Read the Tao Te Ching.
Reply:Wow! You are complicated... (smile) OK, what would you think about going to an analyst? You know, just to get an idea how to handle this. Maybe we might give you wrong advice and make things even worse for you. Obviously, this is not going to be easy. Bite the bullet and go see a professional. They are doing wonders with panic attacts now... really... good luck. Wish I had better advice.
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