Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why does social security discriminate against "illegitimate" children?

My daughter was denied social security survicors benefits because her father did not openly hold my daughter out and receive her into his home. Another social security law that is hurting her case is that a judgment of Paternity must have been submitted before the alleged father dies. I thought laws were made to protect and help children not discriminate against them because they are "illegetimate"! It is not my daughters fault that her father did not step up to the plate and take responsibility for her; and because of this my child must suffer while his other kids receive benefits. I have worked hard getting a DNA test after he passed as well as obtaining a judgment of paternity and amending her birth certificate to add his name and change hers to have yet another door slammed in my face. There are too many man who get away with not taking care of their kids and social security laws protect them. If there is proof that a man fathered a child he should be required to care for it!

Why does social security discriminate against "illegitimate" children?
If you were married to him for 10 years, you are entitled to his death benefits.

Then, the death benefits *SHOULD* roll over to his daughter at the time of your passing if she is still a minor, which I hope is never the case.

I'm really not thinking you're getting the 100% truth on this issue, and urge you to get a second opinion (calling another office or even an attorney).

Best of luck.
Reply:sounds like dad should of claimed his daughter to begin with if he wasn't on the birth certificate well he must not of paid into it for her . now shes the one going to lose out. funny how that works isn't it.Its not a welfare program its for those who paid into it. otherwise everyone could just claim any ones Kidd's.Sounds like he didnt pay hes part for her. probably no child support either ya he sure saved on that one.
Reply:well, i think that DNA evidence/a paternity test is the ONLY reliable proof (besides the father %26amp; mother both totally agreeing it was their kid) that a kid is their parents'. otherwise, all of those whores who have like 5 boyfriends and go on Maury could just pick a random dude and go "you fathered my child!!" and he'd have to pay child support and it might not even be his!! which also wouldn't be fair, would it?? i can see how you're upset, but it's also the government's responsibility to be fair to the possible father and his extended family.
Reply:Social Security discriminates against all but married spouses of greater than 10 years and children born in those unions.

There's no real reason why a widow with children should automatically get benefits and an unmarried relationship with an 'illegitimate' child should not, except that is how the law was written.
Reply:Seek advice from a competent attorney because the government will screw you every chance that they can.what ever you do, don't give up,that's what they want .they figure that by denying you, you will give up and just drop everything.Don't let 'em get by with that.Good luck..
Reply:There are also too many laws that discriminate against fathers. It is not unreasonable to evidence paternity to avoid unscrupulous women making false claims. However,neither is it your daughters or society's fault that YOU are also party to her illegitimacy. Stop beefing. You seem to believe that the rest of society is automatically responsible for your daughters financial welfare. We are not.

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