Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is this social anxiety or something else?

I hate that I have some kind of social problem. I want to be that social butterfly that everyone likes, but it just seems like it's impossible for me.

But to explain it: I am very shy. I stutter, skip, and mix my words when I talk (even if I try to talk very slow) and sometimes cannot speak a word even if it's right on the tip of my tongue!

I used to want people to invite me to things and I got a little upset that I was never invited to the movies, or the mall. But now I rather NOT be invited and just rather be alone (for the sake of comfort, I'm sure).

And even though I want to be the friendly social type, a part of me is also very, very intolerant. I am easily annoyed.

I also feel awkward just being... there. When I walk, as dumb as it sounds, it seems difficult to do when I'm around others. I've been to a counselor (who said anxiety) but she didn’t seem to understand exactly what I'm going through. I know it's a pro's job to diagnose, but could it be SA, or something else?

Is this social anxiety or something else?
Okay i'm only wat ?.. 13 and i've been diagnosed with anxiety aswell. .. and it wasn't pretty getting over it .. i've vome along way, and just the hard part being with other people. You have anxiety, get help before it turns into survere, i was very social and outgoigng but then i got sick staye4d in the house alot, never went outside, doctors after doctors, and then there was a stage where i couldn't leave my own room when some one was in the house, even if it was my brother or mum. i always wanted to be alone, be excluded from everyone. You need help, believe me i keeped saying i don't want to do anyhting, all i would do was cry, so goodluck, see a doctor, a theripest, just good luck, and please i hope you don't have to go through wat i went through ,
Reply:It is Anxiety. I was always shy my whole life. I still am. I have stage fright. I also have a tough time talking in front of people, especially people i do not know. My friend cries whenever she's in a social situation. It could just be a phase. The easiest way to get over it is to be yourself. don't worry about what others think. Do what you do best, and try to be confident.

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