Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who thinks that social anxiety and shyness are the same thing? Who gets infuriated when someone says this?


Shyness differs from social anxiety, which is an experience of fear, apprehension or worry regarding social situations and being evaluated by others.

Social anxiety:

Still think they are the same?

Who thinks that social anxiety and shyness are the same thing? Who gets infuriated when someone says this?
I think they are very different things, social anxiety is actually treatable by medicine and therapy

Shyness is just a personality trait

I do not get infuriated though I just walk off, I have had anger management classes, one of my other problems
Reply:Wow, yeah, if it says it on Wikipedia then it must be true. While you're right that they're not the same thing, Wikipedia is most certain NOT an authoritiative source, and citing is as "proof" of anything is not particularly convincing.

Social anxiety disorder is different from shyness in that it significantly impairs function. Shy people may feel uncomfortable in social situations, but for a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder there has to be a significant effect on their life, such as failing to complete school assigments that require speaking in front of the class, or failing to ask for a promotion at work because of anxiety associated with the position or even the request itself.

Try a few more reliable sources:
Reply:Both shyness and social anxiety are caused by people thinking that they are soooo important that everyone is looking at them, and judging them, whereas actually none of us are bothered by you at all...

Hope you feel better now, though
Reply:Sometimes people like to use big words to describe things. Maybe having "social anxiety" sounds more "important than shyness?

I was shy a long time before there was a term "social anxiety". Don't know if I have to graduate or not!!!!


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