Thursday, August 19, 2010

Help on social exclusion?

which unit is repsponsible for tacking social exclusion?

what is the link between tacking social exclsuion and increasing equal oppurtunities?

and hwo does the goverment tackle social exclusion?

Help on social exclusion?
The unit that is responsible for tackling social exclusion is simply called Social Exclusion Taskforce (previously Social Exclusion Unit).

The link between tackling social exclusion and increasing equal opportunities speaks for itself.

The government tackles social exclusion by targeting vulnerable groups and then developing policies to address issues identified. (National Service Framework for Mental Health, Support for Parents: The Best Start for Children, Every Child Matters, etc., all available online at The Social Exclusion Task Force concentrates on identifying the most at-risk and focuses on specific hard–to–reach groups including children in care, people with mental health problems and teenagers at risk of pregnancy. For a better explaination on the action plan follow the link.

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