Sunday, August 22, 2010

Question about Social Security children's benefits?

I am disabled, both of my children get checks from social security because of it. I was the representive payee for their money but today I got a letter from social security stating that my ex-husband would become the representive payee for both the childrens Social security benifits. We have been divorced since 1999, He has court ordered visitation and was planning to be here Saturday to take them for the summer. SS said that he had no right to have the benifts changed if the kids are still living with me, I don't know how he got it to go through. Anyway, my question is: Is this fruad? Can he be charged with something? If so what? Also what kind of penatilys might there be. I don't want to go agenst the court order if I can help it, I'm so sick of being in court with him but my childrens saftey is more important I don't want my kids 1200 miles away with no one but her father if ther is a chance he could go to jail. Could I have some thoughts on the subject please.

Question about Social Security children's benefits?
If they live with you for over 6 months out of the year he can't do that. Is he a bum or what? They are drawing off of your disability not his so somebody has got something really screwed up or else he has commited a fraud and yes he could go to jail for up to 2 years. You better get on the ball about this. Go to your social security office in person and take your proof of the childrens residency like school records etc...
Reply:I would be talking to a lawyer..he is telling someone that the kids are with him.. you need to get legal help..sorry to say it..but it's back to court...if he is not stopted now he is going to keep on trying to get more out of you and the watch out..k...i know what your going kids are everything and i wouldn't ever let them go back to their dads..their my everything..
Reply:I understand the benefits go with the children. If he has them for the summer the benefits goes to him. But I would go to your Social Security Office and talk to them face to face. Most likely they will be able to tell you what is going on, and if there has been any type of fraud.
Reply:Since your children get the SSI per month, for the months they are not with you the money goes to the person that has them physically.

Since he will have them for three months he should get the money that is used to care and provide for them.

But long term since you have them you should always remain their rep.

I'm sure you get that yearly questionire asking if the children have been absent from your home for a month or are not entitled to the money if they are absent from the home for 30days or more.


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