Sunday, August 22, 2010

Being anti-social...?

What makes a person anti-social? Do they chose that path, or is some reason as to why?

I am becoming more and more anti-social as my life goes on. I haven't a clue why. I hate being around lots of people, I hate going to parties, I don't talk much, that kind of thing.

Or is this a type of social anxiety disorder?

Being anti-social...?
I can totally relate! I'm going through the exact same thing. I think as we are getting older, we just crave some alone time. I think younger people are afraid of being alone or being bored and as you get older you appreciate those quiet moments. I also prefer to hang out with a smaller group of people or close friends that you truly connect with rather than people you don't know or don't really care for. As adults, we are pulled in so many directions and have so many responsibilities (and for myself, I have to deal with the public in my job) that I don't want to have to "fake" it when I'm not at work. My down time is precious to me! In my honest opinion, it more of a sign of maturity.. not being anti-social.
Reply:It just means your growing up and that your focus is elsewhere for the time being. Don't let it consume you so that when your done with school or just have some free time you can do something with a few people . It doesn't have to be a big party or anything
Reply:I'm getting the same way :0) I'm 28, I have a 6yr old child, I hate going out, I don't like large crowds, it makes me nervous.. I don't think it's an issue, I think it's a part of growing up.... I think you should embrace yourself for who you are, don't be afraid somethings wrong just because you're naturally settling into your life as you see fit! :-)
Reply:You probably don't like the people that go to those certain places. Or is not interested in those events

Or you're afraid to show yourself because you're not comfortable with who you are.
Reply:I'm not an expert at all but its normally to do with upbringing which affects your attitude. if not you could always research the subject
Reply:I don't have a social anxiety disorder - but have done the same thing. When I was in high school and shortly after I graduated I was super out-going and loved being around people all the time.

But, now (6 years later) I don't like being around a lot of people - and crowds really bother me.

The reason this changed for me is that I work with people 40+ hours a week and I sit in horrific traffic every day. By the time my day is done I am so sick of people - I just want to be left alone!!

Could it be this??

You'd know if you had a social anxiety because social situations would stress you out and make you super nervous - or you'd have anxiety attacks (This happens to my friend). She's on meds for it, and is fine.

Maybe, if none of this fits - go see your GP

***I don't want you to feel like I am trivializing your situation, however, speaking in public is a huge issue for many people!! It's a scary thing to be in front of a crowd, all those eyes staring at you...
Reply:If this is an anxiety disorder, then you will feel nervous and overwhelmed when in such situations. Your heart usually races as does your mind. It is a terrifying feeling I've heard. Having an anxiety attack is different than just not wanting to be sociable. Do you feel you may be depressed? Depression can cause lack of interest in a lot of things. Do you feel sad, irritable, or moody? Could be some indications of depression. I believe it would be a good idea to talk to a doctor about how you're feeling, you're family doc would work fine for now. Good luck and God bless.
Reply:i think it will begin on an individual's mistrust,jealosy,envy, and hatred on other people
Reply:It could be social anxiety or schizophrenia. I have a (very functional) combination of these symptoms, and I avoid the medication the doctor prescribed. I'm a loner, but I'm not usually bored or unhappy about it. As long as you are functional and you are not unhappy with your life the way it is, to be schizophrenic is not a devastating diagnosis. Party of One is a book that actually says it's OK to be a loner. I've attached links for your review. Cheers!
Reply:That sounds more like asocial than anti-social. Being anti-social would mean being actively hostile against the establishment; you're just retreating away from it. I'm not sure what's caused your life to go this way, but mine did the same. It's possible you have a social anxiety disorder, if you get nervous around people. If you just don't want to be around them, though, you might be battling depression. Then again, you could just be a person who doesn't like being around lots of people anymore, and there's nothing wrong with that, unless it bothers you.
Reply:well ya look preety smiley in ur avatar!! ;-) people are different, mayb ur shy, or u just like a lot of "me time".
Reply:being comfortable with your own company means you are secure with yourself. being anti social is a disorder but I wouldn't worry about it unless you are planning harm to yourself or others.

superbad....your obviously too young to answer this leave it alone..
Reply:Your not the only one

as you get older you dont want to be with a big crowd and you cant be botherd going places.Its not becuase your lazy or anti-social its just you would rather be on your own or 2 or 3 people.
Reply:im the same way, and i think it's because im being insecure
Reply:there is a show on t.v. that is called "Murder by the Number" %26amp; it talks about this very subject. a person who is trully anti-social has actual changes in the chemicals of their brain. please see a doctor as this could be a disaster waiting to happen. use a psychiatrist from ur county hospital unless u have good insurance.
Reply:I have a few friends who really just don't want to hangout unless we are doing something meaningful, or super exciting. It gets annoying like I'm not rason enough for them to some and hangout with people. Overall, I think an anti-social person is only when they dont go out because they are too lazy or dont want to talk to anyone. If you just don't want to be around people thats cool, but at least find a friend or two that don't bug you, that you can always hangout with no matter what, and want to hangout with you too.

You are realllllly anti-social if you would rather stay home and read, do homework, watch tv, or do anything lame by your self reather then go out when your invited by friends.
Reply:Different people enjoy different things. Just because being around a lot of people and going to parties makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean you are anti-social. Maybe you're just an introvert. Try finding people like you to hang out with. You'll be much more comfortable, I guarantee.
Reply:It's highly unlikely that it's a social anxiety disorder. Some people just tend to be loners and feel uncomfortable surrounded by people. However, if you actually feel paranoid about being around large groups of people, it may be something else. Basically people are anti-social because they have less in common with the majority of people. Personally, I only have three people that I talk to regularly. I have been to one party this year. However, I bask in my solitude- I find it refreshing and rejuvinating at times (Though Lonely)
Reply:Although i think being extremly anti-social, or undergoing a total change really fast probably is some kind of disorder, there is nothing abnormal about not wanting to be around tons of people as you get older. I'm only twenty four but already i'm way less into partying with people that I don't know. I'd much rather stick with a few close friends. I think it's just maturity, but if you feel really uncomfortable around people all of a sudden, or it's causing you tons of distress, I would probably ask a doctor about it.
Reply:um.. you just are too lazy to meet people and have fun. idk! why u asking me.

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