Thursday, August 19, 2010

Becoming More Social? (Or Resocializing Myself)?

OK, here's my deal: since I entered college 3 years ago, I have become significantly less social. It's been really debilitating and has hurt my self-esteem/ self-confidence tremendously. I mean, I was very social in high school (maybe because I felt more comfortable and accepted?) and had a lot of friends, but for some reason, since starting college, I haven't been able to talk to people or hold casual conversations. Now my little "problem" is affecting my grades...I am terrified of going to discussions or speaking up in lecture.

My question is: what can I change about my general attitude so that I can become social again? Has anyone else had this problem?


*(Oh, by the way, I've been to professional counseling for "anxiety/social anxiety", but I'm running low on time and funds, and the on-campus/free counseling is a circuit of dead-ends... it's really had to get an appointment, and the counselors aren't that great [I went to an on-campus counselor my Soph. year])

Becoming More Social? (Or Resocializing Myself)?
I am EXACTLY the same way.

In high school and up until I was 20, I was fine socially. I had a lot of friends, went everywhere, and had no problem communicating to even strangers.

Then things started to change. As I got older, naturally friends go different paths, move away, or for whatever reason.

I now have virtually no friends and I have a hard time being in social surroundings. Falling in line at the grocery store, being in meetings at work, and a number of other scenarios really trigger anxious feelings.

For the past few months, slowly but surely I have been getting better. I basically changed the way I talk to myself in my mind. I reaffirm myself and give myself enough respect and love to be above any self condemning thoughts.

I also follow this program. It only cost less than $40 and its worth a try. I think it'll help you as its currently helping me.

go to this site.

read what its all about and especially read the dissolving anxiety section. I used to take medication, a psychologist but none of that helped and it was such a waste of money. Let me know what you think. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me. I want you to know that what you feel is not unique and its not weird or wrong. You can be the person you remember to be and it just takes a little time of rebuilding.
Reply:I had the total opposite problem - very shy in real life but not afraid to speak up in class and in groups.

I would look for help in the regular community - there is probably a place to get about 10 weeks of counseling on a sliding scale.

You also may be able to get help from students who are taking Psychology as a major - especially if there is a masters program on campus.

Good luck
Reply:Just go out more. Make friends with people around you. Make friendly comments etc. I'm shy but in the last year i've been able to make friends by just making comments to people around me. This starts conversation.

Check this link:

search shyness and socialising there are many ideas there.

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