Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hey anti-social people: How do you deal with your issues?

How do you guys confront the social horrors of everyday life? Does life suck for you guys? Are there former anti-social people who have tips for us anti-social people?

Hey anti-social people: How do you deal with your issues?
What do you mean by tips. Do you really not like the company of people or do you wish people would accept you ?

If you know how to talk a bit, and don't dress like a weirdo you can make the choice to just no interact much with the people around you. I like using the internet as much as I can.

Life is not supposed to suck because you do not like to interact with other people very much. It's pretty easy to live without having to meet bunches of people everyday.
Reply:Find a hobby and get involved.

Go out and volunteer some place and perhaps you can observe people who are worse off than you are.

Horrors of everyday life - if they don't touch you, dismiss them. Be greatful for every good day you are having.
Reply:A lot of people believe that "anti-social" refers to a person who does not like to or is afraid to be around other people, talk to people, etc. Actually, anti-social is the new term for sociopath. These are your people who want to hurt other people, basically. Someone who simply doesn't like to be around people is considered "avoidant". And someone who gets nervous around others and is afraid of talking to people might be said to have social anxiety.

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