Thursday, August 19, 2010

Should These Social Workers Be Charged With Kidnapping...?

If their removal of the newborn child was 'unlawful', isn't that basically saying they kidnapped the child? Are social workers above the law?

A woman whose baby son was taken away illegally by social services two hours after birth and subsequently returned on the orders of a judge is planning to seek compensation from her local authority.

The High Court judge said that “on the face of it” social services acted unlawfully in taking the baby away from the 18-year-old mother without obtaining a court order.

Justice Mumby said that the officials involved in the Nottinghamshire case “should have known better”.

The child, who cannot be identified, was born healthy at around 2am yesterday and taken from his mother without her consent at 4am.

Should These Social Workers Be Charged With Kidnapping...?
Dangerous territory when social workers believe they are a law unto themselves. Outrageous Orwellian type totalitarian society behavior. Yes, it's kidnap and a total disregard for liberty. Not commenting on the case for or against whether the child needed to go into care, I don't know the details (except what has been on the news), but the system is in place for a reason, how dare they flout the law.
Reply:i couldn't imagine what the mother was feeling its so wrong the mother should have a right to prove herself and she should get some sort of compensation she must of felt like she was in hell the social workers acted cruely
Reply:I hope the mother wins her case. It might give the social workers who think they are above the law something to think about.
Reply:'mental health issues' could mean depression, are social services therefore planning to take children away from every mother who suffers post natal depression. Of course they were in the wrong, and whilst they were busy kidnapping this baby, another child somewhere else was probably suffering allsorts of terrible abuse
Reply:I hope these do-gooders are proud of themselves for what they've done! Honestly, they are such nuisance, hell-bent on breaking up families because they have to justify their high salaries (that are paid by us, the taxpayers). This is a disgusting story, they haven't even given that mother a chance to prove that she is a responsible parent. Bast*rds!!!
Reply:im glad that judge had sense to return the baby to its mother, bonding with your baby is very important especially for such a young mum. as long as she has network of family an friends an social services keep a close eye if they are concerned they should give the baby an its mum a chance
Reply:The way they acted was ridiculous, it was like a scene out of Rosemary's baby.

At the very least they should be fired

Its like the British social services still have not learned from the Orkney nonsense that ruined family lifes
Reply:I believe the Social Workers are guitly of child theft. They and their bosses should be charged and tried in a Crown Court.

It is interesting that the ethnic origin of the mother has not been reported, but I guess that could be the topic for an entire chapter on the PC-ness of Social Workers.
Reply:I think its appalling

No matter what troubles that young girl has had in her past, they should have no bearing on her now

If she really was a a danger or incapable of looking after her son the judge would not have ruled in her favour

They had no right to take her child 2 hours after his birth!

Everyone knows that the first few hours are vital in mother and baby bonding and she's had that cruelly snatched away from her, she won't get it back

I hope she does sue them and good luck to her
Reply:I am going through something with Social Services at the moment. They are investigating us because I tried to get help for my disabled daughter and a doctor was abusive towards us and threatened us that if we took the issue further he would get social services onto us. We complained, and the NHS apologised unreservedly, yet he was allowed to refer us for a "second opinion" and basically he got his friends to call the SS on us instead. Now our family is threatened with being torn apart and my 7 year old is scared she will lose us. The whole thing is a breach of our human rights and my data Protection rights, but it seems that the social services and the doctors think they are above the law and act accordingly.

Frankly, I think that the girl is right to sue and I'll be following suit as soon as my situation is resolved. i think it is certainly criminal and they should face kidnapping charges as well as child abuse for pulling the baby away from its mother without due cause.
Reply:IMO Yes they did not obtain a court order so took the child unlawfully.

If they felt that the child was in danger why did they not obtain a court order? I think that there is more to this than what has been printed in the article, surely they know the law and what they can and can't do? If they have taken the law in too there own hands which the article suggests they have then the must be charged.

If it was due to mental health issues what exactly were these issues? as they have not been described, Mental health issues cover a whole area from depression up to lunacy.
Reply:I guess its just a case of over zealous social workers.

Assesments are not made in the blink of an eye %26amp; the social work dept obviously felt that removing the child was better than leaving it at risk of unsupervised contact.

The mother has a history of mental health issues %26amp; the Daily Telegraph does not report the risk to the child, which could have been a fatal risk!

No, they shouldnt have taken the child without a court order %26amp; no it wasnt kidnapping.. the assesment will prove the risks.

The judge is just following the letter of the law.

I suspect the court order will be sought now..
Reply:Yes they should.

It is time these jumped up little hilters were named and shamed - this new site is starting with the liars in government.

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