Sunday, August 22, 2010

When in social sit. i lose concentration, hard to talk, or when so say something dumb can it be add/ asperger?

although i cannot ask someone to diagnose me, or nothing of the-sort i just wanted to know if this seems connected to anything of the 2 things down below. or your own hipothesis much obliged; in social situation i get extremely nervous, EXTREMELY, i clam up and when i do speak i feel so nervous that i cant really formalize what im gonna say my voice shreaks, my hands start to shake.. when i do speak infront of people (just even 2)i say stuff not really well thought out (sometimes even stupid sounding) because of my nervousness, im wondering if those might be symptoms of; A.D.D (because its really hard for me to concentrate in general. never was good at school, and i would think maybe my social behavior of speech etc maybe connected with my very poor amount of concentration. you know asin when you speak or formalize ideas, you use a train of thought) or Asperger Autism (because of the symptoms of social inadecuasy,1 hobby intrest ). note; that when i feel safe in a situation i feel norm

When in social sit. i lose concentration, hard to talk, or when so say something dumb can it be add/ asperger?
Why can't you ask a psychologist to diagnose you... are you under age and your parents don't want to (go see the school counselor)? Is there no insurance or an issue with your insurance company in this regard? Or does the mere thought turn your anxiety up through the roof (this one is a strong indicator for the first condition I mention below)?


Losing concentration in a social situation, and having difficulty conversing with others, could be any number of things.

Social Anxiety/agoraphobia is the most likely cause, but it takes a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist to do any diagnosis, so don't take what I'm saying as one. Anyway, agoraphobia is treated with medication and therapy. It can also contribute to difficulty concentrating at school and in other stressful situations, and can be a quite serious condition.

You might have attention deficit...but that by itself usually does not make someone a "social recluse"...quite the opposite!

It probably isn't Asperger's (although like I said before, I'm not diagnosing you, here). In the autistic spectrum, the person does not read social cues from others or learn social rules effectively. They also usually don't show their own emotions with the same set of body language as everyone else. While people with autistic-spectrum disorders, especially the higher-intelligence ones, feel a great deal of anxiety in social situations, it's more a foot-in-mouth problem rather than clamming up, especially for Aspergers. This is a generalization, but I'm trying to summarize this in less than half a

Anyway, the ONLY way to really identify your exact issue and needs is to get a diagnosis, and treatment through couselling (and medication if absolutely necessary).
Reply:You are very welcome! Don't let your anxiety stop you from going to get help...stay strong! Report It

Reply:Sounds more like Social Phobia (formerly called Social Anxiety Disorder). Only a psychologist can truly diagnose you. There are a few overlapping symptoms with Asperger's and ADHD, but Social Phobia sounds like the best explanation. And, Social Phobia is easily treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication such as Paxil.

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