Sunday, August 22, 2010

Overcoming anti-social behavior?

omg, i used to be the loudest, most happiest, annoying person ever. then i went to a white school and experienced some things that made me think no one liked me, then me, liking to feel sorry for myself went on thinking like that, now im anti social in large groups of people.

the things is, that i really only lose my confidence, i dont experience sweating or anything like that, its just that i dont go out my way to be social or become comfortable.

i am still that loud person i used to be before when i am confortable.

Ex. in the 4-6 grade i was social, all the kids at church liked hanging wit me, and when they saw me they were like "aaaaww its my man! wasup dowg!?" now, a few years later, when we see eachother its awkward, (i was actually cooler than them) and they feel like they are doing me a favor by trying to make me fit in.

they also say things like "wat happened dowg? u used to be so cool / loud?"

the point im making is: how can i over come this anxiety?

Overcoming anti-social behavior?
My Dear,

Being loud is not cool and be glad that you are no longer a clown. I do not think that you have become UN social , you have just learned how to behave in public. Don't worry about what other people think of you, because you know that you are the same wonderful person you've always been. Lift your head up, smile, and be proud that you have matured.Good luck

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