Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are humans social creatures?

My thoughts are as follows.

Humans are social creatures, up to the extended family group. We naturally cope with our family ties and close friends that have been adopted in to the family group. This is the basis of the tribal social structure.

As social structures have increased in size, rules of society have been laid down through religion or secular ethics. These rules are what keeps our selfishness in check and allow us to work within a larger society. This in turn allows us the increase in specialisation and technology we enjoy today.

But is this a natural state, or are we just using our intellects to guide us through the problems? When the rules of society are not followed, then society breaks down and the natural state reasserts itself.

Are humans social creatures?
I f they are trained well, they, "WE" humans, can be social creatures.
Reply:If we were not Social creatures, then you would'nt be asking this question to strangers, and I would'nt be giving you a lame answer!
Reply:ur way over analyizing the situation dynamic. just be who u r!!! the rest if just b.s.!!!
Reply:Why do you doubt your beliefs, they are sound.

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