Thursday, August 19, 2010

Career Option: Social Worker?

I'm trying to figure out what I should do as far a s a career in my life. I'm trying to decide whether I want to do psychology or be a social worker. I understand psychologists get paid better, but you also need years of college (PhD) and probably just a masters degree in social work.

If I were to get a masters degree in social work + a bachelor in spanish what could be my estimated pay? I've heard you can earn 10%-30% more on your salary if you have a degree in spanish.

Career Option: Social Worker?
The feedback here is good. Where you are practicing will make the biggest impact on salary. In general a MSW makes 30-60K out of an MSW program and 40-80K 5 years out. I have not heard of a bonus paid on having a degree in spanish. Being fluent can certainly be an asset - whether it will translate into more pay is an open question.

Reply:The salary really depends on what area you are in. A foreign language, typically spanish can be beneficial depending on the population you are working with. You would definitely need a masters degree for social work. You will also need to be licensed. You should take a look at the licensing requirements in your area by checking out the National Association of Social Workers website.

Check out for info about the salary ranges in your area.
Reply:If you plan to work in the social work field, it may be better to have a social work degree. Your income will differ by the field you look into and the state you live in. Not every place will give you more if you know Spanish, you will just be depended on more if a translator is needed... but like I said, it all depends on the state you are from. I work in mental health and I make more than the people that just have a psychology degree. BUT I am also a LSW (licensed social worker). If you do an on line school, you can get your master in general psychology but most school don't offer master in general psychology. If you are considering either profession because of income, you might want to change majors. In both career options, you will have to wait awhile before making enough money to be comfortable.

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