Thursday, August 19, 2010

Anyone with Social Anxiety experience fluctuating levels of confidence?

Since early fall I started experiencing symptoms of anxiety/depression. Initially I had thought I had something physically wrong with me. I soon found out my issues were merely in my head. I was having insomnia/intrusive thoughts/depression. I was a mess in general! A huge ego conflict at that. I have seemed to conquer most the anxiety,and feel pretty normal however, I am experiencing some social anxiety...There are times when I can't be myself around my loved ones and I am socially anxious. Most frightening is around my very close brother. But there are times when I am completely normal..Does someone with social anxiety typically experience fluctuating levels of confidence? There are times when I am almost hypomanic and completely confident...and I will even randomly strike up conversations with people on the subway...other times I feel socially paralyzed...Am I experiencing possibly some kind of bipolar? Is social anxiety a symptom accompanying some forms of bipolar?

Anyone with Social Anxiety experience fluctuating levels of confidence?
social anxiety is common, and when not treated, often leads to depression. You do not have bi-polar disorder. I take a mild anti-depressant that works very well. You also might try speaking with a counselor or therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders.
Reply:actually i have the same thing.. i dont no what to tell you but i do no what you mean, sometimes im very talkative and confident and outgoing other times i dont even no how to say hi to someone.. and i sometimes .. well most times.. feel really depressed.. don't no what to say though..
Reply:From your description I would agree with you it is an unresolved issue. I would say you are experiences a bipolar episode. It normal to push away people. You seem to have a depression disorder which can provoke panic attacks. Leading to feelings of insecurity. In addition, you family might be triggers to your insecurities. Leading to feels of anxiousness and panic. You might benefit form doing aromatherapy, yogatherapy or psychotherapy. All of these can help alleviate your anxiety. You might want to try to get your doctor medicate you to relax. To many people in social events can provoke or trigger insecurity issues that may lead to panic attacks. When this happens take a deep breath and find a quiet place to allow it to pass. It's better than becoming comfortational or agressive.

Many bipolars can experience these symptoms but something triggers these emotions.
Reply:for some reason, you've turned quite introspective. Discuss with your family doctor. There are medications for those moments. It is a serious manner. Get consultation.
Reply:I've recently observed similar behaviors, as well. Except for me, I go from severe depression, to self-hate, to normality, to extreme confidence and borderline conceitedness. I know I'm a wonderful person, but I'm easily jealous and it takes practically nothing (sometimes all I need to know is another girl has nicer hair than I do) and I find myself depressed. My best times are normality, though, but I find myself wondering if that takes up the majority of my moods?

Now I'm just ranting, sorry. But I know exactly how you feel.
Reply:I really think Jay is right on this. His second paragraph was my theory too because I gone through the exact same thing.

My symptoms were that my confidence would flucuate up and down as well. Somedays or sometimes I can talk to ANYBODY and have a great time, and others I don't know how to talk/sociallize.

I don't know how to answer your question but I would like to give you some advice. You would probably later on start asking youself questions and start doubting yourself on things. Don't damage your self-esteem. (this is very important, just trust me, I deal with this a lot)

Also, don't give up trying...

also... if you start trying to find your personality... just accept youself. It all leads to self-esteem. I just don't want you to turn out like me....

also, this is one of the most tips Ive given myself... ALWAYS DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF FIRST but also be generous
Reply:"However, throughout the past I have placed a lot of emphasis on my ability to deal with people and communications skills."

Well, I think that's the reason why you are all of a sudden experiencing fluctuating levels of confidence. I think you feel as if sometimes you are expressing yourself throughly with people, and sometimes you feel you are not doing your hundred percent when talking to a girl or communicating to the class, during a class project. I think since you tend to care about the way you are socially looked upon, which is not bad, but can be, you are experiencing some form of social problem, which would be bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and social anxiety.

And yes, it sounds like you have those diseases, which are definitely cureable.

You sound like a smart man, but I think you are worrying too much about what people are saying or not saying. You are probably hallucinating, and maybe no one really grades you, like you think.

I, myself, suffer from bipolar, schizophrenia, and social anxiety.

I have my reasons why I do suffer from these diseases: my childhood was not as fundamental, a safe learning process, etc., rather I was put down, made fun of, became shy, and was even beaten up, at times.

Today, I am getting help and I am taking my first antipsychotic medication: Seroquel, which helps the brain balance its chemicals throughly: which would be dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate. You see, we, as sufferers, have a chemical imbalance in our brains, and so we need medication to help fix this imbance which is out of proportion. We don't always, and should probably not turn to drugs, but I chose to. Friends, theraphy, exercise, can cure many things and can truly make miracles happen, but I chose to finally use this drug Seroquel. I take half a tablet at night. It completely knocks me out; I sleep fine, and in the morning, I wake up relaxed, calm, not tense, and I feel as if I can continue on with my day.

I know, it can be very frustrating not being able to talk with a sibling, like you said.

I think you should see a therapist and think about getting some medications for these symptoms.

Maybe this is seasonal, but who knows.
Reply:I have those issues (anxious, insomnia, lack of confidence) - and always attributed it to being female, therefore hormonal followed by mood swings. I don't think I am bipolar but I have days I am outgoing and confident, and other days I feel fat and ugly and more insecure.
Reply:I cannot answer because I'm freaked that someone may read this and then I would feel creepy and.......die

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