Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is Social Studies inportant?

My teacher gave us about 20 chapters of Social Studies during our winter vacation and more things. I just wanted to say is Social Studies that important. I hate to do Social Studies and I don't think is not part of our learning.

Is Social Studies inportant?
It's good to learn from the past - otherwise we would repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

Think about what we learned from how the people treated the Native Americans... and the civil war... and about slavery. If we didn't learn about it, how would we see the way it shaped our world into what it is today and not continue with some of the terrible things from then?

Now... having a teacher that makes the subject interesting - - that's a whole 'nother story. :-)
Reply:Social studies is the study of society that you live in, how can that not be important?
Reply:no it sucks y do u think i hate it LOL no SS is very important, if u dont take it u cant get to HS or College.. funny eh?
Reply:i never liked that subject, when i was in third grade, it felt hard, but now it might be easier, because time flew by............

so tell me, u got a boyfriend?
Reply:um.................................... yeah so is spelling

Reply:George Santayana (whoever that is) stated it best: "those that cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". I know that learning other cultures, and things that happened hundreds of years ago, doesn't seem important, but if you think back to the experiences in your young life that you may have learned something from, you probably wouldn't want to do those things again. Same thing goes with history. It will help turn you into a well-rounded human being.

Plus, who knows...maybe you'll be on jeopardy one day, and win on a history question.
Reply:It is i mean, you have to know about the past and compare it to life today, i mean at least thats what my teacher told me lol, personally i find it a bit boring but whatever.


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