Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The social services...where do they stop?

ok, people make mistakes-but if u have corrected the muck ups that u have made, complied with everything the social services have told you to do, in order to get your kids back but then they have backed out and gone behind ur back in order to keep the children, what can u do? some friends of mine went thru a bad patch...got into crack and herion, smoked puff etc-eventually the social services took the youngest child %26amp; placed the child in care, while the older one was allowed to live with another family member, it went to court etc and my friends were given a huge list they had to do like give up the drugs, which i understand! decorate the house, basically they had to show that they wanted the kids back-it was hard, but now they are 100% clean of anything, their house is beautiful, they work...totally turned their lives around only now, the social services are saying the little one should go 4 adoption as hes spent 2 out of 3 yrs in care...my friends used to have him 5 days a week?!

The social services...where do they stop?
get a damn good lawyer and sue for alienation of affection. Simply put if a child is taken from a family and they have done the circus route and within the time specified then by every law I am aware of then Social Sevices has to "give back" the children.

It is the laws that state it is the job of "Social Services" to try and keep families together using whatever means necessary in order to have a reunited family unit.

Ok so its the government but they still must go by same laws it just makes your job a little harder and unfortunately they have the county sheriff and your neighbors or family who say one thing but with a good lawyer can be made to look totally in a different light in court.

Also, file a petition in the family court with jurisidiction over the matter for sole custody. It's free cuz "Social Services" has already filed the motion to remove. remember your under the gun for time so file soon. Also file subpeona's for as many "fine upstanding character witnesses" as you can. The more stable and even a cop or counselor or two really won't hurt. They are required by law to report any suspisions they have to the court anyways so their word carries more weight in court especially if ts a judge who has dealt with them before... make sure the judges like them though. Don't get the one who pissed them off the last case they were on... lol... j/k

Tell them to be careful. What state they live in? Also write to Congressman, State Reps, Senators, Mayors, Govenors... you would be amazed who will contact you! Trust me on this...
Reply:Not alot. My ex just had the same problem with Meth and lost her son. She did everything they wanted and they still took him. They gave her no chance because the foster familly wanted to adopt him. After she lost him finally it drove her back to drugs to deal with her pain which eventually was the end of us as well. I still love her and would do anything to help her but she has now gone off the deep end and she broke up with me saying I am too good for her.
Reply:tell them to get the best lawyer and take it back to court it is the only way to get the child back and do it fast make them bring the social services to court instead tell them to make the effort and have them invite the judge to their home to see how it looks and make sure that they are still joining drug groups so they are making an effort and make sure they keep reciepts from everything to prove to the court what they have done and so they can prove they are trying to make the efforts..........Tell them to make sure they are doing everything they can and plee their case respectively...........They need to make all of the efforts possible and if they do not have a good day in court tell them to appeal the decision so they can get their child back they have gone this far tell them to push and shove their way as far as they have to to get their child back.........Good Luck........Keep me posted........
Reply:I don't have kids but lets just say i've spent a good few years mixing with crack and heroin users and have had close "assosciates" with very similar problems to what you describe. From what ive seen the best thing (when social just wont play ball, but you know that you done EVERYTHIN right and r just being treated unfair) is to go to court. Court would be the next step anyway if social still insist on putting child fro adoption and the parents still r against it. Court seems bad news-scarey- but its the best thing that could happen. You see, all social can do by that point is present their case (EVIDENCE) to the court as best they can. If you have good representation and like you say, have the truth on your side(that you done all what's been asked, and more- also i'd reccommend them arranging with their local drug agency to give more regular drug screens and to have all results made available on request to social services) If you do all this the court, which IS impartial o social serv' will have to come to their conclusion according to the facts before them. The key is to not back down, tell them. Don't ever, under any circumstances agree to or sign ANYTHING with social serv reguarding the adoption of said child - disagree, disagree and disagree some more (yet ALWAYS play it cool, remember its the court who will decide-not the social worker/s!!!), as if you're opposed to the action all the way there WILL have 2 b a cour case/hearing(which is just what they need from the sounds o it) Good luck (and well done to them givin up all the drugs; i'm still strugglin with that 1 a little bit now!!!) Also be careful who visits their house-even if they rn't directly involved in drugs or crime r they friends with or related 2 any1 who might be?! They'll use ANYTHIN against u believe!!!
Reply:Firstly u actually only know what you have been told. Secondly the law always puts the best interests of the children first and this is often very difficult for the natural parents. What they need to do is get a solicitor. In the UK the court will usually appoint a Guardian Ad Litem, who is an independent person, who represents the child. Courts will ask for reports. Social Services do not have the power to just put kids up for adoption, without the Court. So tell them to get advice. Hope this helps.

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