Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why does Social Security # take so long? even after i have shown them my EAD. Has been over 6 weeks !?

Basically i went to the SS department the day i got EAD. It's been over 6 weeks and the social security lady say that the Immigration office isn't allowing them to issue me a social security card since apparently i am not quite approved yet. As far as i understood, i was approved since i have EAD and i should get the SS#, but this Social security lady isn't helping. I called INS and one of the immigration officer said that the Social security office might be doing a status check which could take couple of months. You guys have any idea what's going on? I have applied for visa through marriage and i don't really care to get the permanent residency as much but have been desperate to be able to work. Also I graduated as a nurse in florida but i didn't have SS# so they didn't give me a nursing license even though i passed the NCLEX, now i am in California and still waiting for a SS# and then i'll get Florida RN license which will have to be transferred to California RN license, long wait

Why does Social Security # take so long? even after i have shown them my EAD. Has been over 6 weeks !?
It is SSA policy to verify the EAD in the DHS SAVE system to confirm that the EAD is valid %26amp; legit. Which does take many months before the DHS responds to the SSA request.

However, it is also SSA policy that the SSA agent followup on the progress of an EAD verification every 15 days if no response is given before then, which I know for a fact they never do (went through this hassle myself).

All that you can really do is call the SSA office every 15 days and check to see if they have followed up on your EAD verification. If they refuse to do the follow up, speak with the manager and tell them they are not following SSA policy %26amp; procedure. If the manager still is unwilling to comply and followup the verification, then try contacting the SSA Regional Office and report the office for failure to comply with the SSA Policy. Sometimes thats the only way to get any results.
Reply:Sorry, seems SSA has taken that link offline, as my saved links no longer work either and they did the other day. Report It

Reply:Wanna a piece of of cheese to go along with that whine???...Wait, by the way welcome cheese lover
Reply:all i can say is this: the govt gets in NO hurry.. about anything. Just hang in there and wait.. Y don't u want permanent residence.. it may be faster that way. Congrats on passing the NCLEX.. did u tell SS that u couldn't be licensed until u got the number.. maybe it will help..

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