Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why Social Security Benefits for Illegals?

Why did the senate vote last night to give social security benifits to illegals even if the employment was obtained with forged documents? I think that if we allow these people to stay they should start at zero in the social security system. I won't retire until after social security is out of money and this new plan by senitors that passed yesterday will drain that fund faster than the President. It seems like amnesty for the illegals.

Why Social Security Benefits for Illegals?
It IS amnesty for the illegals. This is corruption at its worse. The government is selling out American citizens in favor of the lawbreakers: both illegal immigrants and the companies that hire them.

The illegal Mexican immigrants are invading this country trying to take it over. It's encouraged by Mexico and the American businesses who use them for cheap labor. Their loyalty is to Mexico. They proved that during one of the first rallies when they took down the American flag, hung up the Mexican flag, and then hung the American flag upside down underneath it. THAT is how they feel about America.


Then the people who want to appease them pull out the excuses about how people who are not even alive now, and haven't been for hundreds of years, 'stole' the land from the American Indians. Even American politicians are carrying out this traitorous attack on our sovereignty! If this keeps up, the United States of America will become a 3rd world country, just like Mexico! Mexico's problems are not the fault of Americans, but they are becoming our problems because the Mexicans are invading us and bringing their problems with them.

The illegals make up about 5 % of the work force. The unemployment rate is about 4.5%. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate does NOT represent everyone who is unemployed. It only counts those who are collecting unemployment. Everyone else's plight is ignored. The unemployment rate if everyone was counted would be tremendous. We do NOT have a shortage of labor, we have a large surplus. The more illegals that come in and take our jobs at minimum wage or less (often less) puts more and more Americans out of a job. Most of these Americans are never counted in the unemployment rate if they do not manage to get unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are hard to receive.

Illegals draw welfare by stealing people's social security numbers and identities. That means there are a lot of people being directly hurt by these people as well. Innocent people are having their credit ratings ruined, having IRS problems, and social security problems. If someone who has had their social security number stolen gets married, if either spouse dies or become disabled then they can be denied their benefits.

My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn't make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn't expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that.

They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It's nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them.

I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn't do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years.
Reply:Because our politicans are traitors to the U.S. citizen and they pander to illegals because they think they'll get votes.

It's time to vote all the traitors out and elect people who put Americans FIRST.
Reply:Its a shame, Illegals should have no rights and no benefits.

Reply:contact your senator and your rep in house .it is not fair.i have visited mexico and i can tell you they do not give us anything...all they want is money.how can you drive in us if you can't read the signs?but they do.
Reply:I have no idea.The Senate seems determined to kill this country.We need more conservatives and fewer rinos.
Reply:because that was the correct thing to do
Reply:What you fail to understand is that even if you were to get a job and use a made up SSN YOU STILL HAVE SS deduction made from you paycheck. So no, they will not have zero in their SS account. They will still accumulate points towards their own accounts.

Whether or not SS is still around when you and I retire is another point entirely. The system will fail because there is a much larger population withdrawing (retired baby boomers +) than contributing (young workers) so mathematically it will break. If you want to retire comfortably, you should stop worrying about immigrants and start contributing to your own 401(k).

Illegals are here to stay. Mas vale que aprendas espa~ol mijito.
Reply:If you work and pay to the SS for benefits, you deserve to receive benefits.
Reply:Whoa! Hold your horses Manny! I think the questioner really wants to know why illegal immigrants can cream off the system without having worked here for donkey's years like law abiding citizens and legal immigrants have had to do ... you can't close your eyes to the fact that plenty of people come over here ... they are pregnant and have their kids here without paying for it ... they MAY get a job and they MAY get their SSN deducted, but in many many cases these people are working for cash in hand, no questions asked ... it is a growing problem, which has to be tackled .. just putting your heads in the sand and pretending that everything is rosy in the garden just doesn't fly!
Reply:I suppose it's to build Social Security. If they are putting monies into SS, at least some of what we give them is being given back.

I just hope the employers that hired them illegally, are heavily fined and tossed into jail.
Reply:What are you like 15? You must think the goverment puts Social Security money under a matress and give it away as an allowance.

Thats ok youngin!

Wow amnesty aren't you using big words today!

Keep up the good work! A word a day, will certainly expand your vocabulary beyond the normal preschooler.

You're probably a paper boy or mow lawns for a living, no,, I got it you work at burger king, yeah that's it...

Well here is a little knowledge about Social Security:

Social Security's retirement program has been a basic part of American life for more than 70 years. In addition to benefits for retired workers, Social Security also provides financial support to younger workers and their families who face a loss of income due to disability or the death of a family wage earner.

Because we're living longer, healthier lives, we can expect to spend more time in retirement than our parents and grandparents did. Achieving a secure, comfortable retirement is much easier when you plan your finances. Most financial planners recommend you prepare for the future with a combination of Social Security, private pensions and personal savings.

If you are getting Social Security benefits when you turn 65, your Medicare Hospital Benefits start automatically. If you are not getting Social Security benefits, you should sign up for Medicare close to your 65th birthday, even if you will not be retired by that time.

Did you know that they also help the community, hold on now read this:

Social Security Announces $6.6 Million Effort to Help Homeless

Social Security is awarding $6.6 million in funding to help the homeless through Homeless Outreach Projects and Evaluation (HOPE). It is part of the Bush Administration’s commitment to end chronic homelessness in the next decade.

“Many homeless individuals suffer from a range of disabling conditions,” said Jo Anne Barnhart, Commissioner of Social Security. “Through its network of over 1,300 offices, Social Security is uniquely positioned to provide assistance to homeless individuals.”

For more information on HOPE, see our press release.

Social Security is just that, a government planned funding that allows burger king employees, as well as the nations working, homeless, elderly, sick, disabled community pay for medical, and non medical expenses. This allows our country to prevent a spread of poverty and attempt to better the populations growth of a healthier statistic.

United States and Japan Sign Social Security Agreement

The United States and Japan are saying “sayonara” to double taxation. An agreement has been signed by Commissioner Jo Anne Barnhart and Japanese Ambassador Ryozo Kato that will remove a tax burden for workers in both countries. U.S. citizens working for American companies in Japan will not have to pay social security taxes to both countries, and the same will be true for Japanese citizens working for Japanese companies in the U.S.

“This agreement eliminates a serious and unnecessary impediment to American and Japanese businesses and their employees,” Commissioner Barnhart said. “Just as important, it promotes equity and fairness for workers who divide their careers between our two countries.”

The agreement makes it possible for people to qualify for Social Security benefits based on combined credits from both countries. The agreement must be approved by the U.S. Congress and the Japanese Diet before taking effect. The U.S. has similar social security agreements with 20 other countries, including Australia, Canada, Chile, South Korea, and nearly every country in Western Europe. For more information, see our fact sheet.


Annual Performance Plan Published

Social Security’s fiscal year 2005 Annual Performance Plan has been published and is available for you to read. The plan describes Social Security’s key strategic goals, which are part of Social Security’s long-term Agency Strategic Plan and the President’s fiscal year 2005 budget for the Agency.

“I believe that this Annual Performance Plan underscores our Agency’s commitment to find the best ways to be more responsive to claimants and beneficiaries who depend on us for excellent service and the nation’s taxpayers who fund our programs and expect sound fiscal stewardship,” Commissioner Jo Anne Barnhart said.

One focus of Social Security’s continuing commitment to provide more responsive service to claimants and beneficiaries has been our ongoing efforts to improve service through technology. As eNews readers know, people can now apply online for Social Security retirement, spouse’s and disability benefits. Other online services allow people to find out if they may be eligible for benefits, or locate their local Social Security office. And individuals who are receiving benefits may use the website to change their address or request a Medicare card. As more and more people conduct business via the Internet, these online services save significant time and effort.

Applying for benefits online is only a link away.


To see the full Annual Performance Plan, visit our online version.


Remember: Beneficiaries Can Earn More This Year

There is good news in 2004, if you are younger than your full retirement age and you work while getting Social Security retirement or survivors benefits. You are able to earn more money before your benefits are reduced. You can earn up to $11,640 this year (up from $11,520 in 2003) before $1 is withheld from your benefits for every $2 you earn. And if you reach full retirement age during 2004 (65 and 4 months), $1 will be withheld for each $3 you earn over $31,080 until the month you turn 65 and 4 months. After you reach full retirement age you can receive your full benefit amount no matter how much you earn. To learn more about working and collecting Social Security benefits, visit our Retirement Planner.


We Have the Answers

According to Internet experts, only a software company that produces popular video games had more hits on the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of its website last year than Social Security did. Social Security has more than 600 questions and answers listed on our site. If you cannot find one that answers your question, you can submit your own and get an E-mail response. Got a question? Get an answer!

Reply:I agree. Part of the excuse for not enforcing the laws over the past decades has been that the cost of illegal immigration to the taxpayers was slightly mitigated by noncollectable payments into social security under false numbers. Now that would be removed too, retroactively, and use of the false documents prior to passage of the bill would be forgiven so long as use was not continued after passage of the bill. That isn't just amnesty for a crime, it is subsidy. It is like saying that not only will a murder be pardoned, the inheritance obtained through that murder will be awarded the murderer, in any event.
Reply:"What you fail to understand is that even if you were to get a job and use a made up SSN YOU STILL HAVE SS deduction made from you paycheck. So no, they will not have zero in their SS account. They will still accumulate points towards their own accounts."

That is so ridiculous! If they are using someone else's social security number, they are paying into someone else's social security account. They are doing it ILLEGALLY. Why should they be allowed to mess up someone else's social security accounts? I'm tired of the excuses made for these law breakers.
Reply:Blame the democrats.

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