Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anti-Social Behavior?

I've never minded being an anti-social person until recently, I was with a girl for a little while who was way way more social then I could ever handle, but it all fell apart for that reason. I guess my only concern is that I will never have anybody in my life to get close too, because I dont go out and do things, I dont know how to meet new people, I never last more than an hour at parties and internet relationships are not ideal for me. Aside of being anti-social, I have jealousy issues, which stems to confidence, I have no health insurance and cannot afford any. So my question I guess is, am I doomed to lonliness for the rest of my life, or is there something I can do to rid of this issue and just be normal, human, someone, rather then a shadow hiding with my dog in my apartment, then going to work and coming back to do it all over again, every damn day?

Life is this?

Anti-Social Behavior?
That's being shy, not anti-social. Anti-social is behaving detrimental to social order. So don't listen to the guy telling you your a sociopath.
Reply:It sounds as if that girl scared you away from thinking you could EVER be close to people. There are people out there that don't mind being your friend in small doses. I too am a bit "reclusive" for other reasons, and it is hard for me to take overly friendly people who call every day. You just have to keep trying----just don't give up on people if you really want a friend.

afterthought: If you are not "into church" just go for the social groups they offer, be it whatever church you choose. Some have singles groups that offer activities once weekly---like bowling or dinner. It sounds pretty non-commital as far as friends are concerned, and maybe a friendship could blossom slowly and naturally, before you even know it.
Reply:taek baby steps ... call someone to hang out and if u meet someone new say hello. get a little further and mabye it will just start to unfold b4 ur eyes where u have friends and stuff and you can start getting up that confidence. good luck

Reply:Believe in yourself. You need some self worth. You need to believe that you are a worth while person and that other people do and will like you. Get involved in something that has other people around you. Go out and do things. Until you believe that you are a worthwhile person, you will be anything. We choose how to be. Don't choose to be a shadow. It's not easy for me to say because I tend to be anti-social, but it means going beyond your comfort zone. I meet people at work. I am a substitute teacher. Maybe you could volunteer at a school or something. Kids have a way of bringing you out of your comfort zone, they believe in you when nobody else will. Take your dog to the park, maybe a place where there are a lot of other people. You need to try, don't choose to be a shadow, choose to be remarkable!
Reply:get over it buddy. go get some friends! you can do it. dont be all depressed and nasty. although, you are right about not having any friends cuz you are asking advice from a 75 year old woman who can't laugh or sneeze without peeing herself! Don't worry I have diapers.. but really.
Reply:Maybe you need help.

Sociopath or Sociopaths; Psychopath or Psychopaths (also known as ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER): A website about the sociopath or psychopath, also known as sociopathic or psychopathic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.
Reply:I completely understand. After so long, I finally have insurance and am seeing a counselor. It is very slow going for me.

Take it slow, but do not give up hope. I had to practice social conversation (hello, how are you, I'm fine..that kind of thing) until it started coming more easily for me. I still have to remind myself to do it.

Try small social groups. Like Drago advised, church is a good place. A lot of churches have singles group activities. You may have to try several before you find one you are comfortable in.

Are you in school or just working. You might consider taking a class at a community college or one of the leisure fun classes offered at many universities.That would be a good way to meet someone just to hang out with.

I know from the deepest part of me how hard it is. I must work so very hard, and it seems easy to give up hope. But keep at it.


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