Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have social anxiety and bad social skills?

I don't know if I have one or the other or both, but whatever it is I suck in social situations. I'm not very good at working in teams and I tend to remain quiet a lot or mumble when asked something. This is really bad because I'm a engineering major, and teamwork is very important. But in my intro to engineering group and my chem lab group, I can't communicate with people and then I say stuff I shoudn't have said and it all crumbles. And I'm a freshman in college and I haven't made any friends because I'm afraid of social situations and that I might act stupid because of my anxiety/bad social skills. What do I do?

I have social anxiety and bad social skills?
well your a quiet person naturally, so you will problaby never be really outgoing, but there are going to be times you HAVE to communicate with people so just take it slow and start to become more sociable, every day take small steps by maybe speaking up when you wouldnt have or talking to someone you might not have


imagine how much fun and great relashonships you are missing out on by being so unsociable...girl friends, homies to hang with, memories, partys, people to network with, or just people to talk to during hard times or when you need to, I CAN ACCEPT FALIURE BUT I CANT ACCEPT NOT TRYING, just talk to people u like and express yourself, they wont bite your head off if there is a akward pause or you may say something a little dumb, but its ok

Reply:It's my guess that you have alot of integrity and in this world it's extremely difficult to handle social situations while maintaining your integrity. Read some books on communication skills, start believing in yourself and if your not getting along with others or have trouble socializing the reason is because integrity in this day and time is an odd thing, but no matter what don't EVER sacrifice your values for anyone!
Reply:Since you are a Fresher you can overcome your shortcoming(as you put it) soon.If you can express so frankly you must be an honest guy.The first way is to take a few deep breaths and release it slowly when you rise from the bed.

This is a long territory.Neither have I all the knowledge nor would you appreciate all the junk.

You can try by taking interest in any one particular field say Sports,movies,Books,music whichever you feel easy.Learn a little about it and start talking about these at the first opportunity you meet an acquaintance or a friend.Discuss a little and leave it at that.

L:earn a lil more and start again the next time.

Gather amazing facts re the subject and surprise them.

You will soon find yourself willing to be taken on the subject.People will be drawn towards you.Develop this way step by step .You will find urself adept in handling all the subject matters .Soon enough you will speak others will listen.
Reply:You sound shy and reserved--- and most people who are shy are also intelligent.
Reply:i hate working with groups. Theres always a bad apple trying to go against you. one on one is best, always.
Reply:My Friend....you are not alone....Each of us faces such situation...it's just that with time passing we gain experience and learn....so keep cool and be yourself....if you have a good heart, people will know and reapect you, else, does it matter if the foolish ones dont recognize you?.....be happy
Reply:dont worry


it will come if you want it. the mind is a powerful tool and you have the ability to learn any new skill. buy self esteem books, read some brian tracy, work at it. learn everything there is to know about your problem, really study it, and you are garunteed to overcome.

good luck

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