Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What social and political ramifications of LBJ’s Great Society and the continued struggle for social justice?

What were the social and political ramifications of LBJ’s Great Society and the continued struggle for social justice?

What social and political ramifications of LBJ’s Great Society and the continued struggle for social justice?
LBJ passed over 435 bills as part of the Great Sociey. He created Medicare, and Medicaid. 1.5 Billion in federal aid to elementray and secondary education. He also created the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He also passed the Immigration Act of 1965 which abolished quotas based on national origins, thus allowing Asian and Latin Americans to flock to the U.S.. 1964 The Civil Rights Act was passed outlawing discrimination in hotels, restuarants, and other public accommodations. He also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which banned job discrimination by race, religion, national orgin, or sex.
Reply:are you taking the test right now

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