Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Will "The Social Security Prophecy Has Been Fulfilled." ever be the front page headline?

the thing that really deserves to be the most headlinest most frontest page news....

the front page headline deserves to be "The social security prophecy has been fulfilled..." but there is more even though it completely wasted away and became empty quickly due to a one hundred year old, as quickly a one hundred seconds old deposited a huge enough installment payment such that it will not waste away or empty for an other hundred years (minus one hundred seconds)...

"the social security last prophecy that will not be the one that will be unfulfilled has been fulfilled....the social security bank account has completely wasted away and is now empty"....because some 100 hundred year old geezer withdrew an amount of money even smaller than how much it takes to buy a lottery ticket...they withdrew the last coin and deposited it in the "i can’t believe it is not a parkay parking meter" and all of a sudden all the hardest hard rock mining work was all placed on the back of little baby future generation (maybe the ones who do not exist and maybe never will) then all of a sudden they unexpectedly got all that hardest work done on their weakest weak backs and made all at one time the hugest "installment payment" all at once ....so even though the social security prophecy has been fulfilled it wasn’t for long....for after it completely wasted away and emptied just as quickly the hugest "installment payment" was made all at once and it will last an other one hundred years or so...

Will "The Social Security Prophecy Has Been Fulfilled." ever be the front page headline?
way to long....got bored after the first couple of lines...sorri...
Reply:Have you discovered the benefits of euthanasia?


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