Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am curious about social anxiety and how i can inprove in social situations?

I avoid social situations quite a bit and i feel that it is conflicting with social activities in college. I'm not the social butterfly, but i dont attend parties or "go out" with friends. I find that i handle things better one on one. I was just looking for advice on how to be a little more open to social situations instead of instantly avoiding them.

I am curious about social anxiety and how i can inprove in social situations?
You are exactly like me. I just graduated from college and I was the same way. If you want to improve yourself socially there are a few things to keep in mind. A. self confidence. You have to be confident about who you are and not worry if others might judge what you say or who you are. once you overcome this, being around others is easy. B. if it is just that you are introverted, which i am too, find one good friend, and then try going out with them, you may feel it's easier to talk if you know someone. C. Also, finding a group of people you feel comfortable around is key. Don't force yourself to go to a party or social gathering if you know the people there don't have things in common with you. Try to find a group of like minded people.

These things helped me. I'm just a quiet chick into art and music and when I went to parties full of soriety chicks whos life purpose was to show their cleavage and guys whos life goal was to get the cleavage, I never had a good time. When I found some smart people into art and music like me I started to have fun going out.

Hope I helped, good luck!

(but remember, it's ok to be who you are too)
Reply:Do the small things that you do good, and in a way that reflects positively on you. Think of situational things that you can do to make people take notice in you (complimenting, favors, or just sharing helpful advice). Be confident in yourself and trust your heart, but use your brain. I know exactly how you feel, so don't worry so much about who you want to be. Do try and keep a good sense of mind in who you are and do need to be. The mind will send you on a trip you don't want to embark on, if you let it! Read up on everything that you have any interest in, and you should get to know all the right people.
Reply:The daily 15 min a day of Mindfulness Meditation erradicates all symptoms of any social anxiety disorders. And it improves one's memory, self-image, and cognitive thinking skills.
Reply:I would suggest joining a couple clubs that you are really interested in as far as the activity itself goes. Once you are in there and start meeting people with the same hobbies and likes that you have it will be easier for you. It isn't always about how popular you are or often you attend parties. It's usually much better to have 3-5 excellent friends than 50 acquaintances.
Reply:who cares? do what you do, be your own person and don't feel pressured to go out and go to parties if that's just not your thing. the majority of college kids are out there partying, but there are many, many people who have a different lifestyle. and that is completely normal. friends are very important though.

Reply:If you have some people you are comfortable talking to one-on-one you can accompany one of them to a small group function. Even when you are in a group setting, you still will get a chance to talk to people one on one. People cluster in small groups at parties, there you can strike up conversations with one person at a time. Usually that is what happens when you start talking to someone. do not hang around one person through the whole event, just think of talking to people individually.

If you go somewhere with someone you already know and are comfortable with, you might feel better. Also you could start small, and agree to just go for one hour or whatever. It will get you out and expand your horizons.

You shouldn't feel like you have to go out. Do whatever is best for you. Maybe you could share some of your fears with someone you are close enough too and they will help encourage you.
Reply:Here is an article that could assist you.

Reply:Is it social situation in general that you avoid? Or new situations? ones that are not familar to you? If it's social situations and/ or group settings then there is nothing wrong with getting to know people one on one and then maybe you can go to a party with a friend that can be a support. I would suggest trying to just go to the party and stay maybe 5 or 10 minutes the first time to just accomplish that and then try to increase the time. It could help if the party was at a place or friends that you were familar with or felt comfortable at. But if you don't ever go to parties there is nothing wrong with that... you simply prefer hanging out in more intimate (ie. one on one situations). I prefer getting to know someone one on one myself. If you can get comfortable making small talk that helps too.
Reply:If it bothers you that you don't participate in social things as much, then that's when you ought to do something about it.

Find a friend or two to go to things with you, especially a friend that knows other people at the outing and can introduce you to it.

If you're good at talking to people one-on-one, then I would encourage you to continue to do that, but to have more people to do that with, enjoy yourself. Remember that people aren't paying as much attention to you as you think they are-- that's something that I had to remind myself when I worried that people were thinking negative things about me when I walked into a room.

Good luck, and enjoy whatever you do!

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