Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Imagine owing $$$$$$$Big Bucks$$$$ to Social Security!?

I know some one who is on social security, however he use to work at day labors for a few backs and he did not let social security know that he was working so now he owed social security

Imagine owing $20,000 to Social Security!

and also he is in trouble with the irs he claimed he had his own business to get more money which he did not

I know he made his stupid bed now he will have to lay in it

what could he do get a lawyer? He do know that he have to pay all of this back

social security stop his benfits, all he gets now is veteran.

He was receiving over $7.000 a month from Social security and veterans combined. He messed that up

Imagine owing $$$$$$$Big Bucks$$$$ to Social Security!?
He stole from the system and should pay it back. I know a lot of others do to but he got caught. I wish we could catch ALL of them!

At the time he was cheating the government did he give ANY thought to the fact that he was taking money out of the pockets of those who truly needed what meager assistance they could get? Like disabled persons or children???
Reply:He is screwed. This is a good example of why you don't mess with the government!!!

Be honest, and pay the taxes you owe.....they're gonna get you if you cheat!!!!!!

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